In a groundbreaking move, Patricia Green Cellars, renowned for its excellence in Pinot Noir and Sauvignon Blanc, has unveiled its inaugural venture into the world of whiskey. The genesis of this innovative project emerged from the ashes – quite literally – of the 2020 wildfires that wreaked havoc on Oregon's vineyards, leaving wineries grappling with acrid, unsellable wine.
The serendipitous encounter between Patricia Green Cellars and distiller Lynsee Sardell sparked the creation of two distinctive whiskeys, Multifarious and Purple Karma Pinnacle. Rather than succumbing to the adversity of smoke-tainted grapes, the winery and Sardell opted to distill the compromised wine, fashioning a whiskey that intricately captures the essence of Oregon's bountiful landscape.
These exceptional spirits, available exclusively at the winery's Newberg location under the moniker Patty Green Whiskey Distillers, herald a unique fusion of grape and grain. Head Winemaker Jim Anderson affectionately refers to the venture as Patty Green Whiskey Distillers, honoring Patricia Green's penchant for salvaging and enhancing, a project that resonates profoundly with her legacy.
To craft these one-of-a-kind whiskeys, Patty Green Whiskey Distillers sourced barley and rye from local farmers experimenting with diverse strains. The result is a marriage of the finest elements from both worlds, with brandy created from the smoke-tainted harvest infusing a textural complexity into the spirits. The inaugural releases, Multifarious and Purple Karma Pinnacle, are just the beginning of a series that promises future expressions like Francin Barley, Baroness Barley, Gazelle Rye, and Dark Northern Rye – all exclusively sourced from Oregon farms.
Anderson reflects on this unprecedented collaboration with Sardell and the Oregon State University team, highlighting the unexpected commonality between whiskey and wine. Tasting the individually distilled grains, akin to sampling wines from distinct vineyards, has illuminated the shared nuances and complexities of these two seemingly disparate crafts.
Multifarious, a blend of three barley strains, aged in charred French oak and Oregon oak barrels, boasts 137 cases bottled at 98 proof. Meanwhile, Purple Karma Pinnacle, distilled from Tibetan heritage barley, stands as a rare gem with only 37 cases produced, presented at a robust cask strength of 112 proof.
Lynsee Sardell, a Corvallis native with a familial history rooted in winemaking traditions, spearheaded the distillation process. Her collaboration with Patricia Green Cellars, Anderson, and Associate Winemaker Matt Russell culminated in the acquisition of Dogwood Distilling, now rebranded as Die The Wolf Distillery. This strategic move ensures the longevity of the whiskey project and opens avenues for creative exploration into vodka and gin production.
Sardell, describing whiskey distillation as an art of concentration, expresses her delight in capturing Oregon's exceptional landscape, likening it to the craftsmanship of winemaking. Die The Wolf Distillery, translating to "Good Luck" in Italian, will continue providing distillation services for the winery while venturing into high-end non-grape Oregon agricultural products.
While the small-batch whiskeys are currently exclusively available at the winery, plans are underway to expand distribution to Oregon bars, restaurants, and OLCC stores. Although national shipping is presently limited, the brand anticipates broadening its reach in the near future. Until then, connoisseurs seeking these unique spirits must journey to the winery northwest of Newberg to savor the result of this groundbreaking collaboration.
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