Renowned whiskey producer, Wolves, has recently launched its second addition to the Malted Barley Series – the Lot Two American Single Malt. This exceptional whiskey is an 11-year-old creation, meticulously distilled and barreled in 2012 by the 13th generation distiller, Marko Karakasevic. Notably, Karakasevic utilized imported Irish malts, combined with a California ale, and bottled this exquisite single malt at 110 proof (equivalent to 55% ABV).
In the pursuit of perfection, during the distillation process, Karakasevic secluded himself for extended periods, spending up to 10 days at a time alongside his imported Alembic pot still nestled deep in the scenic Yokayo Valley of Mendocino County, California.
The result of this dedicated craftsmanship is a meticulously balanced whiskey, expertly blending influences from both old-world traditions and contemporary innovations. Lot Two tantalizes the palate with notes of honey, caramel apple, dried fig, toasted oat, and oak, delivering a creamy, luxuriously viscous mouthfeel.
True to Wolves' commitment to artisanal excellence, each bottle of Lot Two undergoes a meticulous hand-wrapping process. An Italian sheepskin label, dyed with a matte black finish, envelops each bottle. These skins are die-cut, printed with UV light, hand-numbered, embossed, and painstakingly applied, one-by-one, onto custom-made French-cut glass bottles.
Remarkably, the labor-intensive process of hand-labeling alone consumes a substantial four weeks to complete. According to Jon Buscemi, co-founder of Wolves, "From the whiskey to the labels to the glass we use for our bottles, no one in their right mind would make the decision of their own free will to build a whiskey brand the way we're doing it. But this is the way James and I have always done things. There's absolutely no way the steps between distillation to blending to lips should make financial sense ... and it doesn't."
Following the initial online sales by the brand, a limited quantity of 335 6-packs of Lot Two American Single Malt whiskey is now available through carefully selected brick-and-mortar and e-commerce retailers. The suggested retail price for this exceptional whiskey is $305.
About Wolves Distillery
Wolves distillery is a distinguished player in the world of artisanal whiskey production, known for its dedication to crafting exceptional spirits with a unique blend of traditional and contemporary methods. Located in a picturesque setting, Wolves distillery is committed to the art of distillation and is renowned for its meticulous attention to detail.
What sets Wolves apart is their relentless pursuit of excellence in every aspect of whiskey production. From selecting the finest ingredients to their precise distillation techniques, they take pride in creating a product that embodies the essence of craftsmanship.
One of the hallmarks of Wolves distillery is their commitment to pushing the boundaries of whiskey-making. They explore innovative approaches while respecting time-honored traditions, resulting in a range of whiskeys that are both distinctive and delightful to the palate.
Wolves' dedication to the art of whiskey extends beyond what's inside the bottle. They also pay meticulous attention to the presentation of their products. Each bottle is a work of art in itself, with hand-applied labels and carefully crafted packaging that reflects the brand's commitment to quality and craftsmanship.
As an emerging force in the whiskey industry, Wolves distillery continues to garner recognition for its outstanding creations. Their commitment to excellence and their willingness to push the boundaries of tradition make them a distillery to watch in the world of whiskey connoisseurs and enthusiasts.
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