WhistlePig, renowned for its mastery of rye whiskey, has embarked on a bold journey into the realm of single malt whiskey, pushing boundaries with each aged release. Following the success of their 21-year-old single malt, christened "The Béhôlden," the Vermont-based distillery has raised the stakes with an audacious 25-year-old expression, aptly named "The Badönkådonk." This latest endeavor marks WhistlePig's foray into the ultra-premium segment, positioning itself as a contender in the luxury whiskey market traditionally dominated by Scottish distilleries.
Image credit: WhistlePig
The Béhôlden set a precedent, showcasing WhistlePig's ability to transform Canadian distillate into a super-aged single malt of unparalleled quality. Priced at a lofty $899, it quickly garnered attention from enthusiasts, selling out within hours of its release. Now, WhistlePig aims even higher with The Badönkådonk, boasting an unprecedented 25-year aging process and a staggering price tag of $2,000 per 750mL bottle.
Unlike its predecessor, which exuded a delicate sweetness reminiscent of nectar, The Badönkådonk presents a more robust profile, with earthy undertones and a pronounced woody character. The whiskey, sourced from "the first malt distillery in North America," likely Glenora Distillery in Nova Scotia, undergoes a unique finishing process in collaboration with California's esteemed Silver Oak winery. A stint in Silver Oak's Alexander Valley Cabernet American oak barrels infuses the spirit with distinct American influences, adding layers of complexity to the final product.
WhistlePig 25-Year-Old: Tasting Profile
Nose: Initially, there's a surprising astringency for a whiskey of this age. However, once you move beyond that, it reveals a deeply earthy essence, akin to a mossy patch of soil in a forest after a rainfall. While not overtly appetizing, there's a curious allure to it, reminiscent of a fragrant essence.
Palate: Upon the palate, it presents itself as a robust embodiment of woodiness. Oak reigns supreme, a testament to its quarter-century maturation, accompanied by a substantial presence of tannins. The distinct absence of the honeyed sweetness prevalent in its 21-year-old counterpart is notable, replaced instead by the indulgent richness of vanilla custard.
Finish: As the journey concludes, the lingering taste of custard gradually intensifies, creating an illusion of heightened sweetness. A fleeting yet distinct leather note makes a brief appearance, adding a layer of complexity before dissipating swiftly.
In a whimsical nod to its Scottish counterparts, WhistlePig enlists the comedic prowess of John Cleese to promote The Badönkådonk, adding a touch of irreverence to the release. Cleese's endorsement, coupled with the whiskey's undeniable allure, underscores its status as a coveted collector's item.
For those willing to embark on a whiskey odyssey, The Badönkådonk beckons with promises of unparalleled sophistication and indulgence. While its price may give pause, WhistlePig offers a direct purchasing option, simplifying the acquisition process for discerning connoisseurs eager to add this pinnacle of craftsmanship to their collection.
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About WhistlePig
WhistlePig is a Vermont-based whiskey company known for producing high-quality rye whiskey. Founded in 2008 by Raj Peter Bhakta, WhistlePig has garnered attention and acclaim for its commitment to producing exceptional rye whiskies with a focus on quality, craftsmanship, and innovation.
The distillery is situated on a farm in Shoreham, Vermont, and it has a unique approach to whiskey production. While the company sources some of its distillate from other producers, WhistlePig also distills and ages its own whiskey on-site, showcasing a dedication to both traditional methods and a desire to explore new possibilities in the world of rye.
One of the standout products in the WhistlePig lineup is the WhistlePig 10-Year-Old Straight Rye Whiskey. This expression has received praise for its rich and complex flavor profile, with notes of spice, vanilla, and a hint of sweetness. Additionally, WhistlePig has released limited-edition and single-barrel expressions that have gained attention among whiskey enthusiasts.
WhistlePig is notable for its commitment to transparency in its production processes. The company has embraced the concept of "farm-to-bottle," emphasizing the importance of the ingredients used in its whiskey. The farm in Vermont provides a unique setting for whiskey production, and WhistlePig has been known to experiment with various grain types and aging techniques to create distinctive expressions.
In recent years, WhistlePig has expanded its portfolio to include a range of aged expressions, including older releases that showcase the brand's dedication to craftsmanship and maturation. The distillery also offers a variety of experiences for visitors, allowing them to tour the facilities, learn about the whiskey-making process, and enjoy tastings of WhistlePig's diverse range of rye whiskies.