High West Distillery, nestled in the picturesque landscapes of Utah, stands as a unique and innovative force in the world of whiskey. Renowned as the world's only ski-in gastro-distillery, High West combines traditional methods with American ingenuity, crafting a diverse range of exceptional spirits. From their signature Rendezvous Rye, blending the richness of a 16-Year-Old with the spice of a 6-Year-Old, to the Campfire Blended Whiskey, a harmonious fusion of Bourbon, Rye, and peated blended Scotch, High West pushes the boundaries of flavor and craftsmanship. Each expression reflects a dedication to quality, blending respect for tradition with a nod to their American heritage, making High West a standout in the whiskey landscape. Shop High West Whiskey!
High West Barrel Select Campfire Blended Whiskey offers a distinctive and exceptional fusion of premium Scotch, Bourbon, and Rye whiskies, artfully aged together to create a smooth and smoky finish. Immerse yourself in the renowned flavors of High West's expertly crafted Rye and Bourbons, harmoniously blended into a unique and delightful whiskey experience. Buy it now!
Indulge in the distinctiveness of High West Barrel Select Campfire Blended Whiskey, a captivating blend of Bourbon, Rye, and peated blended Scotch whisky from the renowned Utah-based distillery. The whiskey earns its "Campfire" moniker from the subtle peaty notes in the blended whisky, creating a harmonious balance with the spiciness contributed by the Rye component. This unique combination results in a whiskey that promises a remarkable and well-rounded flavor experience. Buy it now!
High West Distillery's Rendezvous Rye stands apart in the realm of Rye Whiskey, distinguishing itself from the prevalent offerings with a commitment to authenticity. Unlike many Rye whiskies on the market, which often approach the legal minimum Rye percentage, Rendezvous Rye boldly showcases a blend of two straight Rye whiskies, both boasting notably high Rye mash bills. The first component, a 6-Year-Old, proudly features an impressive 95% Rye content in its mashbill. In contrast, the second is an exceedingly rare 16-Year-Old, with a mashbill composed of 80% Rye. This exceptional blend is a testament to the Rye purist, offering a distinctive and genuine expression of the spirit. Buy it now!
High West Distillery, celebrated for its expertise in crafting Rye Whisky, ventures into uncharted territory with a new limited release – a Single Malt expression that pays homage to traditional Scottish methods. Embracing the time-honored approach of distillation and fermentation on the grain, this Single Malt is a testament to craftsmanship. The aging process unfolds in a harmonious dance between virgin American oak and refill casks, maturing gracefully over approximately 9-12 years. In this inaugural foray into the world of Single Malt, High West skillfully combines a commitment to tradition with a nod to its American heritage, presenting a distinctive and noteworthy addition to their esteemed lineup. Buy it now!
High West Distillery, the world's sole ski-in gastro-distillery, introduces a bold and super-spicy whiskey crafted with expertise. This distinctive expression is a fusion of rye whiskies, combining one sourced and another distilled at the High West Distillery. The younger sourced whiskey, distilled in column stills, contributes a raw rye quality, while the older counterpart, aged for 7 years and produced in a pot still, adds richness and balance to create a harmonious and robust flavor profile. The result is a spicy whiskey that exemplifies High West's commitment to delivering unique and memorable spirits. Buy it now!
High West Distillery presents a delectable blend of Bourbons from the American West, crafted in support of the American Prairie Reserve—an admirable charitable organization dedicated to preserving and restoring a vast area of Great Plain Prairie. With 10% of post-tax profits contributing to this meaningful cause, the whiskey itself is a blend of spirits aged between 2 to 13 years, bottled at 46% ABV, and remains non-chill filtered. Notably, the blend's high Rye mash bills bring forth an intriguing spice note, contributing to the allure of this exceptional bourbon. Enjoy a sip of this whiskey while also supporting the preservation of natural landscapes. Buy it now!
Anticipated with enthusiasm by American whiskey aficionados annually, this release is a luxurious amalgamation of straight rye whiskies that undergo a finishing touch in opulent French oak Port barrels. With an aging period of approximately six years, the inherently spicy rye spirit has ample time to mature and acquire a rich character. The outcome is a delightfully festive dram, ideally suited for cooler months. The presentation is equally exquisite, featuring a playbook-themed design with each batch meticulously hand-labeled with Acts and Scenes, adding a touch of theatrical flair to the whiskey experience. Buy it now!
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